Figueroa Mountain

Los Padres National Forest

Figueroa Mountain is a favorite spot for viewing wildflowers for the general public. There are a few places where the displays are considered more impressive, but they are very few and further away. Also, for some, this is a favorite drive, getting high up the mountain before dropping down the other side. My mother and I made the drive for my birthday and, of course, to see the wild flowers.

steep grassy hillside among the trees
Very near the top of the mountain, a steep hillside appears to be a lot of grass rather than flowers.

Our first stop was by the side of the road nearing the top of the mountain. Here there was all sorts of lupin reaching high into the sky. The lupin had quite a number of ladybugs wandering their stems in search of aphids.

sprigs of lupin sticking up with a couple lady bugs
A bunch of lupin stalks and a couple lady bugs patrolling them for their favorite prey.

closer view of lady bugs
A closer look at those lady bugs on the flowers.

a lupin plant
A round bush of lupin with that grassy hill as background.

After taking in the lupin, we drove over the top and stopped by another field just on the other side. There we poked around for more flowers.

yellow daisies of some sort
Some lovely composite flowers in the grasses of the field.

hanging flower in deep purple
In the shade to the west of the field, a number of these were found.

big grassy field with low fences in it
Looking out over the field before taking off again.

©2012 Valerie Norton
Posted 30 Jun 2012

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