Ranger Peak Trail

Los Padres National Forest

The weatherman is spreading a rumor that today may feel ever so slightly like a fall day out on Figueroa Mountain, so I have decided to wander that way and find out if it is true. The wind is brisk and does feel a bit like fall as I get out near the gate on East Pinery Road. The air is still warm enough to need no protection against the wind chill. It would be a great day for the ram air kite I foolishly left in Ruth's truck a couple years ago. I will just have to enjoy the day without that. It is easy because a windy and comfortable day is my favorite type. It is a pleasant stroll to the top of Ranger Peak and its extraordinary view.

Ranger Peak Trail below
One small part of the view from a little bit over the peak.

I was actually going to take the Ranger Peak Trail, which goes around the bottom and downhill from there. The use trail to the top of the peak goes down the other side. It gets steep as it goes, but eventually joins the trail below. The trail is much less steep, making a more pleasant walk. The only tracks along it today are those of a single bicycle.

the valley below
Looking down into the valley below.

Ranger Peak
Looking back to Ranger Peak above.

I head off the trail to the rocks to the west. They are a pleasant place to stop, usually. Today, the wind picks up as I climb and becomes something a bit more than brisk. I teeter at the top of the rocks with the wind at my back holding my hat on for a bit before admitting that I am teetering at the top of a cliff and climbing down again.

up on the rocks
Up on the rocks looking down on Goat Rock.

a quick rock to climb
The local rock with the trail behind it.

The second rock outcrop does not have quite so much wind whipping through it. Something must funnel the air toward the other rocks.

Cachuma and McKinley and San Rafael Mountains
The peaks of Cachuma, McKinley, and San Rafael Mountains rise up behind.

I wander down a bit further before turning and climbing back up to the top. It is still a nice temperature even when climbing.

rock outcrops
The rock outcrops from the trail.

There is one more rock outcrop to check out at the top before finishing off the trail.

looking down the valley
One last look down into the valley.

top end of the trail
Looking down the last of the trail and the road beyond it.

The trail is clear down to the road and then it is a short road walk back up to the car. It is getting to be fall up here, if just a little bit.

©2015 Valerie Norton
Posted 10 Oct 2015

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