Los Padres National Forest Map link. After reacquiring permission to head up to Thorn Point to attend to the trees crossing the trail, we gather at the intersection of Lockwood Valley and Grade Valley, the ranks shrunken to only four. I have never been on one of these, but will still get to hold onto the big saw under the watchful eye of someone who is certified to the correct level. We call into service and head down the road, which is looking excellent if ignoring the first, and currently only, water crossing which is an ever deepening bowl of slush. There are a couple hunters out actually hunting, but no one is parked at Thorn Meadows. We get out the tools and have a safety talk. It is extensive, and boils down to: Respect the saw, especially the teeth, for they are long and sharp and will bite if given the chance. Respect the ax, and always swing it so that if it deflects, it must go through some great obstacle like a trunk or the ground to get to you. Respect the tr...