
A good month for quick sketches. High on the ridge along Camino Cielo, there are places to find water. A murky day on Jupiter Mountain for signing summit registers. Finding plenty of pool in the Fishbowl, although it still has some to go. Pondering the road cut above beside a sign on Arroyo Burro Road that is irrelevant to me. The signs of man are few when the clouds seek to hide all below. Climb up Romero Canyon Trail or Road and there is still a little further to go to the top by a benchmark . The crossing between road and trail in Romero Canyon is comical in many ways. And with that, my poor abused sketchbook has been filled. I was going to leave the last page, which has had quite a lot of purple out of the black cover transferred to it when the book got soggy, but I was without a charged camera and I usually end up with about three sketches on days like that. Three finished off every page. Now on to the next! It is Bee Paper's "super de...