Waluplh-Lighthouse Ranch

California Coastal National Monument

Up at the top of the bluff are a few parks including one where one of the area lighthouses originally stood. Not much of the lighthouse buildings are left now. Signs around the little loop describe what was here and point out what is left. Other signs describe the local wildlife and other details of the area. Since the area around includes the bluff top, the Eel River estuary, and the ocean, there is quite a lot of natural things to learn about.

beach below
Looking down on the beach and first parking area for the south spit on the way to the jetty.

edge of the bluff
The edge of the bluff.

flattened park
The area was flattened for the lighthouse buildings and planted with cypress.

brick foundation
A brick foundation is the most obvious remain of the lighthouse.

Eel River estuary
Looking out over the Eel River estuary.

Eel River
More of the Eel River valley.

©2017 Valerie Norton
Posted 16 February 2017

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