Townsend Peak

Angeles National Forest

After the trail work on Pothole, I decided to have a quick hike up to the top of Townsend Peak again. It is much cooler along this bit of Canton Canyon, and the later hour helps. I elect not to drive up the 0.4 mile of road before the gate this time.

Canton Canyon
A few miles up Canton Canyon from Lake Piru.

Looking out over I-5 to Castaic Lake.

It is about a mile and a half along the road to the saddle, then up to the top. An easy and quick hike to a bit of a view.

mountain with a heart of red rocks
Redrock Mountain.

After a spin around the top, I wander back down again.

brushy peak
Townsend Peak from the Canton Canyon Devil Canyon Road.

furry purple flowers
Giant lupine along the side of the road.

©2015 Valerie Norton
Posted 18 March 2015

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