
Too many big hikes or too many hikes with others, there does seem to have been a rather large break in sketches. All excuses, there should have been more. I should get back to something smaller than a super wide angle of the distant world once in a while, too. When I did finally open up the dry bag, I had a nasty surprise. Quite a lot of water had gotten in at some point. I am pretty certain when and I should not have left the bag in the pack for that incident. The old dry bag is a bit holed after the many years with various sketch books. The previous sketches are damaged. Less than I expected, more than I want. The rest will all be a bit dirty and the ink does not sit on the paper in quite the same way now that the sizing has been washed. It is a cookie, it has crumbled, and this is the way of it.

I took the last day of the year to wander up to San Marcos Foothills and try out a new brush pen. These dogs walked past, more interested in looking around than moving back to the car, as I got the ink flowing, but they had to be in it.

Sat for lunch with aview of the islands on Sulphur Mountain.

Another attempt to record the rockiness out on White Ledge while on a little loop.

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