Cuyama Peak

Los Padres National Forest

After hiking to Lizard Head, we went up to the fire lookout on top of Cuyama Peak. Unfortunately, the lookout collapsed almost four years ago, so it is not as impressive as it once was.

fire lookout
We stopped about 250 feet short of the fire lookout, but it is possible to drive all the way up.

Wood that was once walls and roof of the fire lookout.

The metal structure is typical of the area lookouts. Steep metal and concrete steps that are more like a ladder climb in two segments to the top with a wooden platform in between. I climb up avoiding the platform although this one looks rather solid. Many are missing. Thick metal mesh surrounds the thick cab floor that remains in the middle. It is all littered with more debris from the walls, shutters, and furniture.

walls and sink
At the top, a wall once full of big windows lays on the railing and a sink sits in the middle of the floor.

Of course, the whole point of the lookout is for the view. Well, for seeing smoke messing with the view, but it only works with a great view to start with.

Cuyama stuff
The actual top of Cuyama Peak in the foreground and Cuyama badlands beyond.

The northwesterly panorama. (Click to embiggen, as with all.)

south to islands
To the south, there are many lines of mountainous ridges all the way to Santa Cruz Island.

After playing around at the top of the lookout, I head down to look around below and sign the log book.

toilet and roof
There is still sort of a toilet here.

©2016 Valerie Norton
Posted 1 November 2016

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