San Ysidro Falls

Santa Barbara front country

I headed out for a quick trip up to see San Ysidro Falls again. It has been very nearly two months since the last time and I am expecting a little less water over the top.

pool of water with a spigot of cascade in and quite a bit of poison oak around
One of the little pools along the way. There is still some water coming down the main creek and quite a good crop of poison oak.

The waterfall below the section of trail with railing is still flowing nicely too, so why not find a way down to see it? It turns out there really is no easy way down. I go down very carefully and slowly. There really is a waterfall down there.

waterfall with rocks surrounding that look like they have been sliced
It is an interesting waterfall, but hard to get to.

I make my way along a thin path that climbs the side of the falls easily hoping it leads to a better route between the waterfall and the trail. It does not, but it is no worse for climbing up. Then it is off to the main waterfall. The trail has been cleaned up of all the big rocks from the big storm. It makes things much easier.

San Ysidro Falls with a bit of green growing out of it
San Ysidro Falls has a bit less water since it is on a tributary. The green is coming back after the scrubbing it got.

green on the waterfall
Happy plants in the waterfall.

Someone has piled rocks up to make the pool at the bottom of the falls a little bigger. Since it has been so dry, but not completely, I have gotten used to reaching out to tag the falls and feel the water. It is silly, but I go for it again today, first taking off my shoes. After a snack, I head back down again.

flowers in red and orange and purple on the prickly pear
The prickly pear is getting ready to fruit again.

©2017 Valerie Norton
Posted 27 April 2017

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