Rubio and Eaton Canyons

Pasadena front country

Locate the trailheads: Rubio Canyon and Eaton Canyon.

There was a week or so of rain, so I decided to go out and see the waterfalls. It was not heavy rain, just drawn out.

Rubio Canyon

Wandering up the various Rubio named streets, I got to the trailhead. The trail hadn't suffered under the recent watering. Unfortunately the canyon hadn't really filled up, either. I didn't see water in it until about halfway up the section of the trail in the canyon where some of the bottom is visible instead of the endless stones from the water company's little mistake.

small and gilled butter colored mushroom top
As I came into the canyon bottom, I spotted this little mushroom.

first sighting of water
The first sighting of water and there's not very much of it.

brush growing up in the canyon bottom
The bottom of the canyon is starting to get overgrown since the last rock movement cleared it out.

sort of a waterfall
The waterfall. Mostly just wet, but there's some water falling at the top. It's getting hard to see with the plants growing up.

bottom of the falls without plants in front
Getting closer, it is possible to take in the lower section of the falls with its pool and without all the plants obscuring it.

more of the bottom of the falls
Climbing up on the left allows access to the central ledge between the falls, so here is that section again from above.

I stopped on the ledge between the two waterfalls in order to sketch a bit, then returned down the trail.

sketch of the waterfall from above
Sketching the wet where it is not obscured by falling water in order to bring out the waterfall.

Eaton Canyon

After coming back out of Rubio Canyon, I decided to see where the road by the debris dam goes instead of driving back out to Lake. It soon turned into Loma Alta and came out just above where Allen ends in Altadena. This put me along my usual route to the Mt. Wilson Toll Rd. and since I was thinking of going there for a little more hike, that I would stop there. Halfway down the hill, I decided to go up the canyon instead of the mountain side since I didn't have much longer to hike.

old flow gauge in the stream
There's a little more water here as gauged by the old gauge.

The trail was crowded with people so that sometimes I had to wait for large family groups to finish their slow crossing before I could start hopping the rocks. There were a number of people and dogs up at the waterfall, but this one did have plenty of water in it and thundered louder than the people in the canyon.

Eaton Canyon falls
The first waterfall when coming up Eaton Canyon. There are more above, but you can't get there from here safely.

When I was ready, I hiked back out among the crowds still moving through the canyon.

ripples of yellow in the dirt
There's a bit of fungus to be found in this canyon, too.

©2010,2012 Valerie Norton
Posted 16 January 2012

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