hope: Pasadena Glen

Angeles National Forest

This is a hike that looks like it would be a nice add-on to a Henninger Flats excursion.  It should be mostly easy, as it's along an old road, with plenty of views to the south.  It has been used by Christopher Brennen for one of his adventure canyoneering hikes to then proceed down the glen.  That has some 9-12 rappels of up to 80 feet, so the whole loop isn't a good choice for a hike.  However, he says the road only has a couple of bad spots and a lot of brush (as of 1999).

The road starts above Henninger Flats, just above some water tanks.  The purple line here starts at the main campground and museum, where most people taking exercise on the road seem to turn around.  It's a little further up, past the other two camping areas, to get to the old fire road marked on the USGS maps. Brennen provides a good description for finding the road as well as other useful bits of information, like a use trail down into a lower part of the glen from one part of the road.

I scouted for this road one evening when I'd decided to take a "quick" hike up to Henninger on 24 Apr 2011.  I took the trail up through the campgrounds instead of past the county firefighter buildings and started looking above there for the road.  A couple of spurs of various use can be found before the road, the second might even be tempting to someone hoping they'd found the road.  I looked up along the mountain to see the cut of the road and followed it along to the main road and could see that it should be coming down a little higher.  It is hard to see at the higher spot.  A large berm has built up at the edge of the road and it is heavily overgrown.  There was not even the suggestion of a use trail heading through the vegetation.  It is possible that people go up the hill from a lower spur to the old road cut, but it looks like it would take a fair amount of work just to start off through the thick growth.  Since it is thick, not a lot of yucca to stab at you along the way.

Personally, I think that if there was a good trail here, people would use it.  Who do you talk to about getting a trail restarted?

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