
Sketches from the wild places of August treks.

Chips Fire smoke from near the previous location of a fire lookout on Spanish Peak.

A few of the lakes from along the Granite Gap trail.

It may be heavy, but the big sketchbook ended up going with me backpacking. The watercolor book only has four pages left. At least the water brushes filled with ink are light.

The last lake with trees on the first day backpacking.

Neighbors fishing across the lake on the second day of backpacking.

Found a tree above the treeline on the third day of backpacking.

The trees near the treeline all have stories to tell as this one along the Crabtree Lakes.

The meadow by our camping spot on the fifth and sixth day of backpacking.

The lake we sort of planned to camp by on the fifth day of backpacking, but only passed on the seventh day.

And some pictures from heading to the beach for good measure.

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