Elings Park

Today I went to the end of Alan Road to see if the green space there is accessible. It does not seem to be, so some wandering of Elings Park was had instead. There are sports fields where I spent many hours playing AYSO soccer there on old landfill. Above that, there is a memorial and an area that often seemed to be dressed up for a wedding. Below it are tennis courts, a baseball field, and a couple BMX tracks. I didn't got to those parts. I went to the open space south of those where hang gliders practice and model airplanes fly. Trails meander up the hill and all over the top, offering views all over the city. Today was not a good air day, so it is hard to see some of that view, but there are plenty of hints as to what's out there.

Just a little bit of the park open space and a glimpse of the parking lot at Hendry's (Arroyo Burro) Beach. The horizon should be dominated by Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa Islands.

Hang gliders are a common sight, especially since part of the park is the practice hill. Today there was a paraglider riding a rather stiff wind.

Across Arroyo Burro Creek at the top of the hill, there is what is apparently a bell tower that I wanted to investigate nearby. A couple benchmarks should be up there.

To the northeast, the city makes its way into the hills. Downtown is a mass of white buildings with red tile roofs beyond.

North, there are the sports fields with the city and mountains beyond.

A little bit of the city park across the highway that we all found out about when putting a road across it came up on the ballot. There were people walking and riding bikes there and I can see a dirt road where the other was proposed.

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