Arcata Ridge Trail

Arcata Community Forest

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I thought I could at least get a little hike together to ring in the new season. Winter is scheduled to start off with rain, though, and I got choices. I chose to actually do the little hike on the one day in the coming week that might have sun. It had changed to "fog", but the predicted weather seems very volatile at the moment. So on the one day not expected to rain (for the moment), I headed off for a through hike of the Arcata Ridge Trail.

00: looping trail
A looping trail now descends to the road so climbing narrow, steep steps is no longer required!

01: foggy day below
A view out on the weather and there is some fog.

It's not exactly the best time to meander through the forest. It's one of the few times one might manage not to find any flowers blooming in the undergrowth. The mushrooms have been coming and going.

02: leaves striped in white
The patch of clintonia offers some interesting patterns as the leaves die off.

03: really red mushrooms
There are some extraordinarily red waxy caps, some even deeper than this, right now.

So up I climbed along the winding trail that often crosses the service road with a bit more direct a route, but also muddier stretches. The trail is highly recommended.

04: trail with marker
Follow the marker up. The trail offers better footing once the wet sets in.

05: green leaves against red bark
Soon there will be flowers hiding under these leaves.

06: thick trees
Water can be heard among the thick trees of a steep canyon where a future trail will wind.

A restful flat travels over to more and steeper winding to the high point near the Fickle Hill Road crossing. Take a bit of care since there's a few speeders.

07: water hidden in green
Somewhere in all that green, a bit of water can be heard flowing swiftly to the ocean. It won't take long.

08: bigger trees
More forest and crest signed trail on the far side of Fickle Hill Road.

Once across the road, one drops down to cross another creek into the older part of the community forest. There are some changes.

09: huckleberry on a stump
One of the big stumps becomes a planter for the huckleberries.

10: bridge and wide trail
On down to the bridge and then wider trail for a while.

11: water in a stream
Now water can be seen and heard!

There's an overall downhill nature to the rest of the trail, but it rolls upwards some too.

13: blue and clouds through tree edges
Another look at the weather vaguely visible through the trees.

15: bigger tree by wide trail
Passing the odd pretty big tree along the wide trail.

16: big stump split with branch winding between
Even bigger stumps with fancy configurations of growth.

19: ferns on roots
The roots of fallen trees become the support for ferns and others.

20: few leaves, many yellow
Still a bit of falling left to do among the leaves.

There's an easement area at the top of the last, long downhill.

22: forest boudary sign
Briefly out of the Forest, but still among trees.

23: trail and trees
I took the little trail alternate.

24: wide trail
Which doesn't last long.

26: creek space
The creek beside gets downhill much faster.

The sun had long vanished by the time I got to the swampy areas below. It is not far above sea level as the trail finishes.

30: swampy trees
Trees in the swampy places. They are only sleeping and will leaf out in summer.

32: green exuberance on the side of a tree
There's a few gorgeous ferns.

33: lichen
Closer, there's these wonderful pelt lichens.

35: trickle in a concave
A thin waterfall trickles down. Perhaps it becomes a torrent in the rain?

With mill works and other industrial activities, it can be noisy during the week at the far end of the trail. I tagged West End Road and headed back. Hoping for a bit more sun didn't bring it.

36: swamped
Ready to climb again from the low swamp.

37: wheel and machine
This old tractor is visible near the trail in the easement.

38: huge stumps and bigger trees, not bigger than the stumps
Some bigger trees dwarfed by the largest stumps along the way.

39: peach sky
So dark there's color in the sky with 40 minutes to sunset.

Of course, the high probability of a little rain throughout the day actually yielded a nicer bit of weather on the actual first day of winter. So it goes. I got in "a lap" around Beith Creek, so got out in it too.

*photo album*

Ā©2024 Valerie Norton
Written 21 Dec 2024

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