Bernard and Little Berdoo Peaks

Joshua Tree National Park

Locate the trailhead.

For the second day of the Holiday Hooplah, we again decide to go on the longer hike of the two choices. Bernard notices that the peak Bernard has a twin of sorts to the northwest that is actually slightly taller. Bernard also has a twin who is slightly taller, so it is decided that this second bump is Loren, for his twin and we must climb it, making our hike a little longer even before we begin. Our beginning is from the side of a lumpy path through the desert that requires high clearance and our hike starts up a wash again. This wash is a lot more open and easy to travel than the one yesterday and our much smaller group moves smoothly upward toward the peak, sometimes hitting the false peaks along the ridge.

Bernard station
The station at the top of Bernard. There are also two reference marks of the same era. Photo by Bernard Mines.

After climbing Bernard, we drop down the other side and head for Loren. This peak does look taller and our leader, Bill Simpson, says when he first came up to Bernard he also climbed this one just to be sure. The peak is narrower and the rocks a little more of a climb, which again fits the twins we are claiming they are named for.

three smiling people
Smiling people on Loren. Photo by Bernard Mines.

We head down again and have lunch in the shallow saddle between the twins, then start off for Little Berdoo. We simply wander along just below the ridge following a faint trail, until the peak sits in front of us and we climb. These peaks are much simpler than the last.

looking toward Little Berdoo
The ridge goes around the right as we look toward Little Berdoo. Photo by Bernard Mines.

station marked LITTEL BERDO
The station on Little Berdoo is older and contains two misspellings. The reference mark is newer and corrects the spelling. Photo by Bernard Mines.

We take a little longer up on Little Berdoo. To the south, we can see the Salton Sea. Below us to the south, things seem to get a bit rougher.

Salton Sea
Looking to the Salton Sea from Little Berdoo. Photo by Bernard Mines.

back to LA
Looking west from Little Berdoo. Photo by Bernard Mines.

Eventually we finish enjoying our last peak and head back the way we came. A loop is possible from a little further down Geology Tour Road, but it is more convenient to go the same way for where we parked.

mountains in the foreground and a cinder cone in the background
Looking north as we travel back along the ridge. Bernard (or maybe just Loren) is at the right and Malapai Hill is the dark cinder cone in the background. Photo by Bernard Mines.

©2015 Valerie Norton
Posted 1 January 2015

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