Brian Head Peak

Dixie National Forest

Beating up the AWD on Second Left Hand Canyon was largely successful with only one spot (a tiny creek) that required some reevaluation for how to get across. At the top, as I rolled over a short barrier of dirt purposely placed, I found a little car with occupants who seemed to be evaluating if they could make it. The answer to their question is "no" and even the SUV caused some surprised expressions on a couple mountain bikers coming down the road. They did signal some pretty smooth sailing the rest of the way. Of course, turning to go back to Brian Head means passing by the road up to the Brian Head.

looking out from the cliffs
Not actually at Brian Head yet, but the view from this spot along the smoother dirt road near a trailhead that goes to the peak is a little better.

Briand Head
Looking toward Brian Head Peak, the high point along this cliff side at the edge of a mesa.

Brian Head Peak is just a drive up, but it has some things going for it, like being 11307 feet high. It is topped by a restored stone building that used to be a fire lookout. The views are as one might expect for a location topped with such. The road is dirt, but well maintained. As I hit the very top, the last of the winter snow is still melting. There are three other cars already there and one seems to have a telescope set up for looking at sunspots. I probably should partake. (But did not.)

Brian Head below
Looking out over the ski resort town of Brian Head.

Cedar Breaks
To the south, there is Cedar Breaks National Monument.

stone fire lookout
The stone fire lookout, restored by the Sierra Club in 1995.

After checking out the lookout, I head over to the other side of the mountain. It is wide and flat and difficult to see out to the far side, after all. Then looping around, bump into another building I did not see at first. It looks like it has bath tubs in it, but it probably was not a bath house.

back along the ridge
Looking back along the cliff side toward that top photograph.

another stone structure
A second stone building, but not restored.

A fun little peak. I found the station and an older reference mark. (I found an even older reference the next day.) Certainly worth the effort of the easy drive.

*photo album*

©2015 Valerie Norton
Posted 26 July 2015

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