Cedar Breaks National Monument

Sunset View, 3 days before

Access to the little monument is mostly turnouts along the road although there are a couple short trails.

north along the cliffs
Checking out the cliffs to the north.

zig-zag cut in the Earth
The canyons below feel a little like a child's drawing.

looking south to the water tower
More to the south.

Point Supreme, 3 days before

A short and flat walk out past the Visitor Center gets one to the fencing along Point Supreme. We checked it out on the way to a little bit of touring of Grand Staircase-Escalante while getting the "passport" the Department of the Interior puts out stamped.

fins and hoodoos of rock
There is a collection of hoodoos here and just a little bit of water down in the bottom of the canyon.

panorama zoom out of above
Trying to take a little more in all at once.

area with a few blind arches
A little further around to the left (out to the west) is a little more of the landform, this time with a couple blind arches for the eagle-eyed looker.

blind arch
One of the blind arches at center.

North View

The land is more colorful where we stopped today toward the north end.

featuring the yellow rocks
The yellows.

blinding white
And the blinding white.

reds and yellows in tan dirt, greens very near and far, white rocks
Behold the colors! (Nothing has been done to cause these colors to be even partly saturated.)

*photo album*

©2015 Valerie Norton
Posted 27 July 2015

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