Megwil and Omenoku Points

Trinidad State Beach

(map link)

After wandering a few beaches (and rocks) south of Trinidad, I headed off to wander a few rocks (and beach) north of Trinidad. I found the parking lot at the north end of Trinidad State Beach working its way toward full. Most were headed out toward Elk Head, but quite a few got caught by the trail down to the beach around College Cove.

26: beach available
There's plenty of beach down around College Cove, but the arch is watery

I shuffled off fairly directly to Megwil Point on Elk Head.

27: cliffs to the north
Lots of cliffs to the north

28: water washes down the rocks
Out to the point to look south to Trinidad Head

North from Megwil Point

32: black bird with wide open orange beak
Black oyster catchers making a ruckus

33: little kelp with a top like a palm frond
Sea palms getting thrashed in the surf

The sun came out a bit as I watched the waves play over the rocks. They splashed a little, but mostly they washed and ebbed away. It can also be nice to watch, very calming. I headed back up off the rocks and back, this time stopping along the way.

36: rolling water
Looking out at the waves from the middle of Elk Head

There's a little path out to Omenoku Point that I've only taken once. I took it again. The branches and shrubs come in close, but there'd been enough wind or time to shake and drip off most the moisture and I wasn't soaked by the time I squirmed through to the lookout.

37: green water with an island
College Cove

38: rocks standing strong in the sea
Pewetole Island and Trinidad Head

The blowhole on Pewetole Island was putting on a particularly good show. I got my best blowhole pictures ever from the point.

40: up goes the water
The rest of the water is flowing away again by the time the blow hole puffs

41: mist getting bigger
The resulting mist goes high and wide

42: water raining down locally
And rains down to disipate

45: puffing water again
A moment in the time of the rocks

There's a few little outlook places along the trail as it rounds College Cove. I headed down to find quite a few people on the beach. There's flowers by the streams, but they were invasive radishes rather than the monkey flowers that will be there later. Surfers were headed out. This and near Camel Rock (where I started the day) are always good places to find surfers. (They were there, too.) I headed back up before too long to finish my little hike.

47: water rolling in
Watching the waves from the beach

*Humboldt album*

©2022,2023 Valerie Norton
Written 5 Jan 2023

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