Fey Slough Wildlife Area
California Fish and Wildlife Click for map. This little spot is so close to the highway, I have actually noticed it while zooming past, tucked in opposite of the car dealerships. There was heavy traffic leaving the dealerships as I arrived, but no one at the trail. Plenty of information signs at the trailhead. So I stopped at the information signs to find out what was up. The important one was a large map showing areas closed to entry, areas closed to hunting, and areas where hunting is allowed. I had actually found out it is a hunting area prior to stopping by. "Hunting is only allowed in the hunting areas," it says. It goes on to clarify, "No exceptions." It can be important to clarify. "Hunt days are Saturday, Sunday and Wednesdays ONLY." Good thing for me it's Tuesday. "No holidays except if they fall on one of those days." It certainly seemed pretty clear, but I expect it's really important to clarify. Lots more rules as...