Bolinas Lagoon

Point Reyes area

Click for location.

Driving past Bolinas Lagoon, we stopped to try to take it all in.

shallow and salty
Taking in the lagoon from a tiny point of land beside the road.

And then we started to look over the details.

lagoon edge
Incoming fog on the south end of the lagoon.

cliffs and houses and a shallow bit
The cliffs and houses on the far side of the water.

And then there are the even smaller details. Out in the middle, there are shallows and out on the shallows there are animals.

quite a mass of probably harbor seals
A collection of mammals, probably harbor seals, on one sand spit.

all the seals
And they are quite a big collection.

big beaked birds
A collection of birds, mostly pelicans with sea gulls, on another sand spit.

Nearby, there is a fishing heron to watch. It comes up with a fish more often than not when its head darts toward the water.

Here it comes, water up to its ankles. Well, those are ankles.

darting head
One of a few fish captures as the heron stalks through the water.

heron walking on by
And the heron walks on.

And that was life on the lagoon in that moment. Well, except for the captured fish.

©2017 Valerie Norton
Posted 1 October 2017

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