fake farm houses
Redwood National Park
Click for location.We headed out from High Bluff Overlook going north on the one way section of Coastal Drive. The continuation of the California Coastal Trail as it heads over Flint Ridge is obviously marked, but warns that a bridge is out some miles away where the trail is closed. A little further is a seemingly random roadside sign. We stopped to find some World War II history.

Below the road are two buildings that were built to appear as part of a working farm perched out here on the edge of the land. The disguise is meant for passing ships, overhead airplanes, and even travelers on the road. We take a short trail down to see what they really are.

These were built for defense of the mainland during the war. Soldiers or civilians watched the ocean and air from here and would report anything suspicious. Of course, we get to looking suspicious poking around and trying to look in through the tiny gaps. There is stuff inside, but there is not a lot of light to see by.

Then it is off, further down the road, to check out the cemetery (a small family plot) and the beach by the river (which has ceremonial grounds) and get started at by sea lions swimming sideways.

©2017 Valerie Norton
Posted 10 September 2017
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