White House Pool Park

Point Reyes area

Click for map.

We stopped at the park at the edge of the Tomales Bay Ecological Reserve not certain what we would get. It is a popular little spot by the cars in the lot, but the one picnic table sits unused.

bridge and table and dog poo bags
And here we are, at the start.

We pop over the bridge and start wandering the trail. It edges past the nearly static waters of Lagunitas Creek. They sit like a long, thin lagoon below a steep bank. A few ducks can be found upon them.

long grasses beside the water
Tall grasses edge the water in some places.

far side visible
Blackberries edge the water in others.

flowers in a spiny pod
Only a few flowers left, but I usually see these with none.

The trail follows under some short arching oak trees. There are still periodic trails off to the edge of the water. Occasionally, we can hear a conversation from people down these, but do not see them unless we follow down it too.

more spines and tiny flowers between
Another bunch of tiny flowers.

crisp wings among the leaves
A butterfly settles in the leaves.

overstretching oak branches
A dappled sunlight within the tunnel.

We come out to another open area beside the creek and a bridge. Across the bridge, the trail abruptly ends. It was a bit shorter than expected. We return through the trees.

different wing markings
Another butterfly among the trees.

©2017 Valerie Norton
Posted 1 October 2017

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