Lloyd Lake

Golden Gate Park

Click for map.

We stopped by the park on the way through. There is actually plenty of free parking along the streets near and through it. Count me surprised about that. There are also plenty of people walking around it and, on a Sunday, plenty of parties going on. But I guess sometimes you just have to sit by the pond and watch the ducks.

turtle on the pond edge
Turtles too. They were not easy to scare.

ducks on the water all paired off
The ducks mostly come in pairs. They are a bit easier to scare.

ducks with bread - which is not recommended for them
That is, unless someone is feeding them.

quickly vanishing ducks
Once the food is gone, so are they.

Lloyd Lake was one of the quieter areas of the park.

©2017 Valerie Norton
Posted 1 October 2017

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