Beith Creek Loop

Arcata Community Forest

(Map link.)
Some moments while out for a counterclockwise traverse of the loop through the community forest.

looking through a hollow stump on its side
The trail follows open space on the left, but the kid's trail goes through the hollow, fallen stump.

trickle of water over rocks
The largest stream crossing along the trail is just a trickle, but that will change quickly.

big leaves on trail
Quite a few leaves on the trail.

mostly green leaves
But mostly green leaves with random very brown ones mixed in on the maples.

caps thinning at the bottom of a collection of mushrooms
Delightful mushroom arrangements.

carved sign post
Fancy carving on a sign warning about the grade in a spot where better trail will some day be constructed.

stumps and tall stumps and thin trees
The redwood forest with old stumps and new trees.

water and land masses
The view of the bay today.

©2021 Valerie Norton
Written 21 Oct 2021

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Wayne W Walls said…
Cool mushrooms and ferns! Looks like a fun time!

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