Trujillo Meadows Reservoir

Rio Grande National Forest

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I did a little wandering including a visit to the Trujillo Meadows Reservoir. There are two ways for quick access. One is from the campground where a day use fee is expected and gives access to the dam and outflow most easily. The other is a little further down the road where parking, bathroom, and boat entry can be had for free near the inlet. I, of course, went with the free option. There are fishermen trails around the edges to move around the lake. These are sometimes indistinct and do have some small streams to cross getting from inlet to outlet. I didn't go all the way around the reservoir as the inlet is really quite wide and I don't like getting my shoes wet.

water with an incloming line of water
Looking toward the inlet. The area is meant to be ADA accessible.

reservoir edge with a thin trail
A little bit of trail at the edge. Look to the far edge and there is a boat out on it. That was one of two while I was there.

looks poisonous
I wouldn't eat that one.

building storm clouds
Looking across the reservoir. The weather moves quickly and constantly seems to move toward storm that may or may not actually happen.

outlet snaking down
The reservoir seems full, so at least as much is heading out as coming in.

on the dam
Up on the dam and looking back. Flat Mountain is up there.

twisting and turning petals
Detail of a flower stalk.

purple and yellow flowrs in the grass
It's pretty when looking away from the water too. The detail above is from one of these purple stalks.

©2019 Valerie Norton
Written 18 Aug 2019

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