Stagecoach Hill Azalea Nature Trail

Humboldt Lagoons State Park

(Map link.)

The rhododendrons were infrequent and sparse and I was expecting a little more from them. It is possible that I have unrealistic expectations, but I decided to stop by the azaleas on the way back. It's just an extra mile or two of driving and a half mile walk. I had even greater expectations for the azaleas than I had for the rhododendrons. I started at the parking by the sign and passed quickly through the Sitka spruce, taking the right at the fork for the loop to get to the azaleas that much faster.

dark forest with bright sunlight beyond
Heading for the light.

the edge of the forest where the sun reflecting from the ocean is visible
The late sun reflecting from the ocean below isn't quite enough to hide the pink domes of flower laden bushes.

pink domes with a backdrop o spruce
Those same flowers, a small part of the whole.

The azaleas did not disappoint.

azaleas in flower and bud and a few falling off
Lots of buds and flowers and a few dangling. The western azaleas are in full swing.

There are a few other flowers that are showy enough to grab a little bit of my attention.
red and yellow flying saucers
There were even more columbines than before.

blue and pink bush tops
The blueblossom ceanothus provides a nice contrast to the azaleas.

more flowers afar
Looking back over flowers and ocean.

dark forest and light flowers
The forest looms at the edge of the azalea stand.

dark veins on showy petals
Irises are stronger than ever.

It took a while, but eventually my round through the stand of azaleas was over and I wandered back through the spruce.

trail through the Sitka spruce
The forest is a little brighter when lit by the evening sun.

I wasn't done admiring the azaleas. I stopped at some secondary parking for another angle on the whole of the stand.

simple rose with just a little flare
There was a wild rose at the forest edge by the road.

azalea and road
There is actually a pretty good preview of what is to come while driving up on the road.

clouds over the ocean making it wetter
The clouds over the ocean were having a random bit of rain as the sky got ready for sunset.

gravel road surrounded by azaleas
Patrick's Point from the azalea stand.

Low effort and lots of reward. That definitely made me happy.

*photo album*

©2021 Valerie Norton
Written 28 Jun 2021

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Glad you finally got your fragrant flower fix! I think the wildest display of rhodos I ever saw was actually bordering 101, as I was whizzing past, somewhat south of the lagoons area. So much for trails, LOL.
Valerie Norton said…
Well, as you go north past that first exit for Trinidad, there's a lovely planting of a large variety of rhododendrons between the freeway and the frontage road after the Park and Ride. Those have looked pretty amazing at 60MPH. All through that area, there's some very impressive purple ones sticking out of the trees. Seeing them, I kept hoping I'd run into this other kind of rhododendrons last year while wandering the wild areas until I realized they're the imported ones. They still put on an exceptional show.
Valerie Norton said…
Oh, right, and a few of these get all the way down to the highway. Those were doing an excellent job blooming as I drove up this day, so I was feeling really confident about finding blooms above.

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