Stagecoach Hill Azalea Nature Trail

Humboldt Lagoons State Park

(map link)

Since I didn't see many rhododendrons on the Lost Man Creek Trail, and those I did see were generally just budding out, I decided to stop by the azaleas on the way back. The azaleas bloom earlier than the rhododendrons and the one by the highway was in rare form as I zoomed past. I had time, so that's just what I did. The road seems a little rougher, but still not too much for the little scion to get all the way around to the little parking area among the spruce.

00: sign and spruce
Trail and trailhead sign under the Sitka spruce.

01: small white flowers
Candy flowers among the roots.

So I got ready to see some flowers. There's usually quite a few more than just the azaleas.

02: purpling flower
The Pacific trillium are getting old, but there's still a few to be seen here.

The understory of the forest can be nice, but there's a lot more flowers in the open space. I headed to the right where the loop starts, which gets to the open area faster.

03: trees with much open dirt below becoming trees with a lot of green
A thickening of the green as the trail leaves the forest.

And where there azaleas? You betcha! Unfortunately the low sun made it hard to look out over the majority of the field and the trail runs along the back of the bushes. I think there's more flowers on the sunny side. There seemed to be a lot more little trails stretching out from the main trail to get those better views, but you never really can get them. The bushes are just a little too tall. Bring a ladder you can set up on the road for the best view of bush after flowering bush.

04: azalea bushes
A little of the floral display on the sunny side.

06: pink and white flowers
The western azaleas are just another kind of rhododendron.

07: few flowers on a bush
Some of the bushes are flowering sparsely and just getting started.

08: many bushes that are half flower
I found spaces where the bushes seemed to be half flower.

09: sunny flowers
Another burst of azaleas.

10: red flowers with five tails
Columbines, that five tailed flower, are reliable here.

11: lots of bushes in green
Somehow it is still looking green overall with a couple covered bushes from some angles.

12: flowers dangling and many more blooming
One bush that is quite far along.

15: flowering bushes in blue and pink
A piece of the trail where blue ceanothus blooms above the azaleas.

16: flowers hanging and browning
Some bushes are getting far gone.

17: buds among the flowers
Many are just getting started and still have lots of buds to show.

19: one all buds, one full of blooms
The bushes sit side by side, one all flowers and another all buds.

20: light flowers
A very light bush.

21: bushes with flowers
The last few bushes are quite full of flowers.

22: iris in the grass
Irises hide in the grasses.

23: nice flowers
More and more flowers.

25: spruce above the azaleas
The clearing bulges into the trees.

Back in the forest, I was rather surprised to find there's about six trees down on this tiny little loop. It's only a half mile or so.

27: trees across the trail
The easier part to get through of all the downed trees.

28: berry of orange
Salmonberry. Soon the flowers will be gone for the fruit.

*the photo album*

©2023 Valerie Norton
Written 7 Jun 2023

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