Dave Decon Campground

Wayne E. Kirch Wildlife Management Area

Location: Dave Decon Campground
More weather passed through and I must admit to some regret that I had not dragged the little trailer along for this trip. I figured it would be easier to face the roads that my car isn't really up to if backing up is possible. A tarp helped close up the spaces between the slats of a provided shelter to keep the rain off my breakfast as the wind blasted north. When it stopped raining, but started blowing very hard to the south, that tarp took the brunt of the blast, too. I did have to get out in that wind and move the tarp.

00: the full rainbow over campground
This weather brought an excellent rainbow. Complete arc. Double.

01: closer look where the double is brightest
There it is, doubled.

02: bright rainbow start
Some more coming rain to renew the start.

03: beams of light
Light playing in other parts of the sky too.

The starlings continued to waft in a group from tree to tree. The grackle continued to be loud from various branches.

04: black bird
Great-tailed grackle posing on a fence post.

I had full bars of signal for emergency calls, but there were a couple places where I could find signal I could use and grab a weather report with some discussion. Usually it was down in some low spot like by Dacey Reservoir. Even with it choppy from the wind, the coots remained.

05: birds in choppy water
And still the American coot run.

06: more running birds
And run.

07: capped in clouds
Clouds capping the Grant Mountains when the rest clears.

One sunset was especially grand with the light right across the north of the sky. The glimpses of peaks showed some show had fallen. Shingle and all the way to Ward were looking whiter. Peaks to the west were whitened too.

08: vast picture
This slit is a huge panorama of that sunset.

09: snow on Shingle
Not too much snow, just a small change.

10: bright clouds
Bright in the north at sunset.

11: small peak
A small peak reddens in the sunset with the Grant Range in snow behind it.

12: across the campground
South across the campground while the north is putting on a show.

*photo album*

©2023,2024 Valerie Norton
Written 16 Jan 2024

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Margaret said…
Stay warm. 5" snow on ground (and branches) here and 24 degrees. So watching ice fall off trees

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